Auto Deluxe pH Meter (LT 10)

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Digital PH Meters offered to come with automatic temperature compensation combination pH electrode and RTD probe, as well as the support of 3½ Digit, LED display. These find suitability for measurement of pH and Redox Potential Measurement. Range 0.00 to 14.00. Touch Button Calibration. Provided with rotational electrode stand. (Table Model)

Accessories: Combination pH Electrode, Buffer Tablets 4pH & 7pH, Operation Manual, Electrode Stand, Dustcover.


Product Details:

Minimum Order Quantity 1 Number
Compensation Manual 0 to 100degree
Type Digital
Model No. LT-10
Brand Labtronics
Temperature Auto 0 to 100degree
Slope Correction 80 to 120%
Power 230V + 10%
Display 3 1/2 digit LED
Dimensions 76 x 275 x 175
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